COST Multi-Centre Study – Improving and Validating Protocols for On-Tissue Enzymatic Digests for MALDI MS imaging.

Invitation for all COST Action members to take part in a Multi-Centre Study with the aim of improving and validating protocols for on-tissue enzymatic digestion on both frozen or FFPE tissue for MALDI MS imaging analysis.

Further to the COST Workshop held at GSK, Stevenage in December 2012 and the COST meeting in Haarlem, May 2013 agreement has been made for an initial strategy. This will involve the analysis of both frozen brain sections (available from Harlan laboratories) and formalin-fixed brain sections (which will be kindly supplied by Kristina Schwamborn/Axel Walch).

If you would like to participate in this study please register your interest by no later than Friday 21st June 2013 to:

Dr Peter Marshall                 
+44 1438 763326