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    I am newbie to MALDI imaging, I want to do a classification (non-tumoral and tumoral area) in these images, I have a sample in my possession, I first thought it was images but by looking folder I found a single image (jpeg), file (. dat), another (. mis), subfolders with bizard names (eg 0_R00X042Y035) to inside a sub folder there are files “analysis.baf”, “analysis.baf_idx”, “analysis.baf_xtr” and a file without extension “fid” and a subfolder that contains two XML files “apexAcquisition.method “and” submethods.xml “, a file” desktop.ini “and” lock.file “. these files are unreadable.

    how I can extract m/z values and their intensity? there are soft to convert these files to something readable.


    Alan Race

    It sounds like you’re using a Bruker instrument based on the folder/filename description rather than an AB Sciex 4700 instrument (which is the topic of the forum that you’ve posted in and why a response might have been slow).

    Are you trying to convert the data into a human readable format? This is doable, but will inflate the size of your data dramatically so I’m not sure why you’d want to do this. What are you ultimately trying to achieve?

    As a small description on the ‘bizarre’ naming of the folders, each folder contains the data for a single spectrum and the name of the folder gives you the location. In the example you gave ‘0_R00X042Y035’ is the data for the spectrum at location (42, 35).

    Hope this helps,


    Thanks AlaneRace,

    I want to extract only the m/z and intensities of spectra to construct my learning-set and use Clustring-approach to find the relevant m/z in the separation between the tumoral and non tumoral disease.

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