Front Page Forums BioMap Slider Bars Biomap

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  • #1477
    Aida Serra


    I’m a new user of Biomap and I’m learning how to use it using even the demo data provided by Biomap. I’ll use this software to process images from a DESI ion source.

    Probably my question is basic but, whats the meaning of the two vertical slider bars present in the left up corner beside the color palette.

    Have a good day.

    (Sorry because initially I posted this message in another section of the forum.)

    Markus Stoeckli

    With the slider you select the minimum and maximum intensity of your image which is them mapped to the color scale. As an example, if you select a greyscale and a max of 1000 and a min of 1, then all points with an intensity of 1000 and above are white and all points with an intensity of 1 or below are black.


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