M4I is a leading international molecular imaging center relevant for science, education, economy and society. The institute is located in 2 hours south of Amsterdam in Maastricht, The Netherlands. In the context of a technology innovation project sponsored by the Dutch National Science Organization NWO, the imaging mass spectrometry division is looking for a

PhD student high throughput mass microscopy (NWO).

Within this position:

  • You will work on the development of novel high resolution molecular imaging instrumentation using direct ion imaging with pixelated ion detection technology.
  • You will develop novel Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionization based technologies that enable stigmatic ion imaging for biological materials.

We are looking for a candidate (f/m) with a master degree in the natural sciences with affinity for instrument design and engineering. More information can be obtained by contacting Prof. Ron M.A. Heeren, r.heeren@maastrichtuniversity.nl



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