New application notes on MSI provided by Bruker Daltonik. read more…
MALDI Imaging analysis of rodent brain slices.
Maxence Wisztorski, Dominique Croix, Eduardo Macagno, Isabelle Fournier, Michel Salzet Developmental Neurobiology 2008, 6 (68), 845-858
Spatial localization of ubiquitin by imaging MS
Kristin E. Burnum, Susanne Tranguch, Deming Mi, Takiko Daikoku, S. K. Dey and Richard M. Caprioli […]
The number of MSI related contributions shown at the annual ASMS conference is growing with every […]
LEAP Technologies presents new data obtained with an improved version of the TM-Sprayer Download…
TM Sprayer
Technical Note provided by LEAP Technologies download
Applied Biosystems released a new MS image processing software named TissueView™. link
Technical Note provided by Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex download
Mass spectrometric image formation presented as a data cube
S. S. Rubakhin, N. G. Hatcher, E. B. Monroe, M. L. Heien, J. V. Sweedler Curr. […]