Front Page Forums BioMap Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT

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  • #1096

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m testing out the MMSIT221 software and have acquired a 200+ mb data file from that. I tried opening the file in BioMap and recieve an error

    "Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT
    READU: End of file encountered. Unit: 102
    File: ‘file path file.img’"

    the data was acquired on an sSTR
    200-1000 Da
    50 shots/spec
    bin size of 10nsec
    2551 data points

    Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions!



    Hi Jon!

    Which Biomap version do you use?



    Thanks for responding so quickly!

    I’m using BioMap running on IDL Virtual Machine 6.3.


    Markus Stoeckli

    Hmmm, that sounds odd… There are a couple of things you may want to check. First, make sure you have the three files *.img, *.t2m and *.hdr in the same directory with the same file name. You may also try to copy the files in the root directory and rename them to a short file name. If that does not help, compare the file size of *.img with the calculated amount of data (x points times y points times data points in ms times 2). The header should contain 384 Bytes and the *.t2m 4 times the number of data points in the MS. This will help us to narrow down the problem…



    Here are the errors that I am getting:

    //Error 1
    min 200.428
    max 996.148
    bin_size 1
    data points 2551
    Import Data Size 217.799MB
    File Dimensions 1680x 193x 2551
    Loads an error message:
    "Error in function BIOMAP_Event
    Unable to allocate memory: to make array."

    //Error 2
    min 200.040
    max 1000.05
    bin_size 10
    data points 255
    Import Data Size 165.362MB
    File Dimensions 1680x 193x 2551
    Loads to 13% then errors out with this message:
    Error in function BIOMAP_EVENT
    READU: End of file encountered. Unit: 101 //this number varies from 100-102
    File: path to file\Brain_test_0001.img

    //Original Instrument BIC settings
    Mode of Operation: reflector
    Extraction Mode: Delayed 100nsec
    Polarity: Pos
    Acquisition control: Manual

    Acquisition mass range 200-1000Da
    Number of laser shots 50/spectrum
    laser rep rate 3.0Hz
    Digitizer start time 20.73
    bin Size: 10nsec
    Number of data points 2551
    Vertical scale 0: 100mV
    Vertical offset: 0%
    Input Bandwidth 25MHz

    // The Original file sizes
    img 217,799,278 bytes
    hdr 348 bytes
    T2M 10204 bytes

    I Also tried your suggestion of copying and renaming the files with a shorter file name but that just gives the same error.



    Hi Jon!

    The [b]original file size should be [/b]1680 x 193 x 2551 x 2 = [b]1’654’272’482 bytes [/b]or 1’615’500 kB or 1577.6 MB !!!
    And [b]not 217’799’278 bytes[/b]….
    Maybe MMSIT stopped because the harddisk was full or something similar? This is also a possible answer for Error 2.

    This is in my opinion the main cause.

    As another information: Error 1 ("Unable to allocate memory: to make array.") means you have not enough RAM in your PC. As a guiding principle: minimum two times of .img size

    Hope you’ll find out, what the problem is/was.



    Thanks for your help!

    That’s probably what happened. I was able to acquire other smaller data files.

    In the paper that talks about BioMap,you mentioned that you have a custom piece of software called MSI File Tool to combine data sets. Can that be downloaded?



    No, I’m sorry.
    Maybe in the near future.



    its cool. Thanks for your help though!




    I am having the same problem, my file loads to 74% and then I encounter the same problem…..was the conclusion that this is not an error that can be rectified, but a smaller data set needs to be acquired?



    I have just calclated that my data file should be 174 MB, however the "Import Data Size" quoted in the BioMap MSI Import window says my file is 129MB…..i.e.74% the size it should be. My data appears to have collected fine when I view my data in Analyst, is this a problem with the PC not converting the file correctly to Analyze 7.5 format? We have recently had to compress lots of files on the PC as it was approaching maximum capacity.

    Please Help 🙁

    Post edited by: Hazel, at: 2007/06/06 12:46


    I now have this problem i.e.,

    Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT
    READU: End of file encountered. Unit: 102

    Sometimes it is unit 102, sometimes 103 or 104 or 105 but I guess that just depends on the data structure.
    I have upgraded to the latest version and it won’t open most of my files although it will open some. I have just checked on a computer with the older version and it opens the same files without a problem.

    Suggestions would be most welcome.

    Mike Burrell

    Markus Stoeckli

    Please upgrade to version and let me know if the issue persists.


    Anthony Carado

    I’m receiving the same errors as other people on this thread. My file sizes are slightly different than expected based on your calculations, but they are close. The problem is not disk space, ram, file name or version ( I have the latest), so any other ideas. Thanks.

    Markus Stoeckli

    Does the image file size match with the calculated size (x time y times d times 2)? Does the file name contain any special character?


    Anthony Carado

    Here are the stats:
    18.2841 MB IMG file
    12.5 KB t2m file
    348 Byte hdr file

    No strange characters in the name.

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