Front Page Forums BioMap Exporting Peak List as Text File

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1438
    Bobby Sirius

    I am using BioMap to view my imaging data and I have obtained mass spectrum via the Plot Tool under Analysis.

    However, when I would like to export the list of m/z ratio and peak intensities as Text file, the following message popped up:

    “Error occured, exiting…
    OPENW: Error opening file. Unit: 102, File: C:\filename_plot.txt”

    Any comments and suggestions would be great.
    Thank you in advance.

    Markus Stoeckli

    Please click Edit – Defaults from the menu and select an appropriate Export folder. Once done, the export function should work.


    Bobby Sirius

    We have done it, it works.

    Thank you very much for your help ^^


    I have tried your method but there is a window which warns “cannnot write to file”.
    Is there any other setting I have to make ?
    Thank you in advance~

    Markus Stoeckli

    Did you try to change the default folder to a place where you have write-access? Program Files and the folders below are protected in Windows 7.



    I have tried to set the default folder as c disk and it proved to be successful.
    Thank you a lot:)

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