Front Page Forums BioMap multiplication and ratio

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  • #1594
    Shibdas Banerjee

    In the biomap image, can we multiply the intensity values of all m/z by some arbitrary number? Because, I find when the intensity is too less (in the order of 10), the image quality is not good though the original mass spec signals are well resolved and looks good (taken from LTQ-XL).

    Secondly, can we construct an image of the ratio of two ion signals (say m/z 255 and m/z 281)? How?

    Thank you,
    Stanford University

    Markus Stoeckli

    Scaling the intensities has the same effect on the visual representation as adjusting the min/max values of the color scale. The ratio signal to noise remains.

    To normalize an image, create first an extracted ion image from the peak of interest and one from the reference. Divide the two, selecting an appropriate minimum for the divisor in order not to amplify noise.

    Please check out the short video tutorials on the web for instructions on this process.


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