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  • in reply to: Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT #1171
    Anthony Carado

    I posted earlier about this, but the problem now returned. I’m getting the same errors as described by others in this thread. I’m using The problem isn’t the file name, hard drive space or RAM. Here are the file sizes.

    In the MSI import window, the import file size is 6.97686 MB before I click "update", and 7.20942 MB after clicking "update."
    T2M is 15KB
    HDR is 348 bytes

    The error is "End of File Encountered. Unit: 102, and then the file location. The number can change between 102-105. If someone could take a look at these files to let me know how this recurring problem can be fixed, I’d appreciate it greatly.

    in reply to: Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT #1150
    Anthony Carado

    The last two images I converted opened up fine in Biomap. Maybe the problem was in the conversion process and fixed itself with a computer restart. Anyway, I’ve compressed all the files to about 16MB. Can I just attach them to a reply in this forum?

    in reply to: Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT #1147
    Anthony Carado

    Here are the stats:
    18.2841 MB IMG file
    12.5 KB t2m file
    348 Byte hdr file

    No strange characters in the name.

    in reply to: Error in Function BIOMAP_EVENT #1145
    Anthony Carado

    I’m receiving the same errors as other people on this thread. My file sizes are slightly different than expected based on your calculations, but they are close. The problem is not disk space, ram, file name or version ( I have the latest), so any other ideas. Thanks.

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