kidney tissue sections

kidney tissue sectionsHermelindis Ruh, Theresia Salonikios, Jens Fuchser, Matthias Schwartz, Carsten Sticht, Christina Hochheim, Bernhard Wirnitzer, Norbert Gretz and Carsten Hopf
Journal of lipid research. 2013 Oct;54(10):2785-94. Epub 2013 Jul 12.

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease is a severe, monogenetically inherited kidney and liver disease. PCK rats carrying the orthologous mutant gene serve as a model of human disease, and alterations in lipid profiles in PCK rats suggest that defined subsets of lipids may be useful as molecular disease markers. Whereas MALDI protein imaging mass spectrometry has become a promising tool for disease classification, widely applicable workflows that link MALDI lipid imaging and identification as well as structural characterization of candidate disease-classifying marker lipids are lacking. Here, we combine selective MALDI imaging of sulfated kidney lipids and Fisher discriminant analysis of imaging data sets for identification of candidate markers of progressive disease in PCK rats. Our study highlights strong increases in lower mass lipids as main classifiers of cystic disease. Structure determination by high resolution mass spectrometry identifies these altered lipids as taurine-conjugated bile acids. These sulfated lipids are selectively elevated in the PCK rat model but not in models of related hepatorenal fibrocystic diseases suggesting that they be molecular markers of the disease and that a combination of MALDI imaging with high resolution MS methods and Fisher discriminant data analysis may be applicable for lipid marker discovery. 10.1194/jlr.M040014



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