Welcome to MSACL Connect! Although the covid pandemic mitigations have been challenging, they have resulted in a perspective adjustment at MSACL that has revealed an exciting opportunity to extend the knowledge base of the MSACL community even further into the research and clinical space … consistent online content. Under this new paradigm of operation, MSACL is offering a platform of engagement to provide not only classical SCIENTIFIC CONTENT, but also to extend the best of the MSACL NETWORKING effects — such as those found during Booth and Poster Tours, and the Meet-a-Mentor program — into the virtual space. COURSE work is also being developed, with an online LC-MSMS 101 COURSE (~16 hrs of contact time) planned for this summer.
In May, the focus is on Mass Spectrometry Imaging – and here are lectures you for sure do not want to miss:
1. May 13 : Theodore Alexandrov (Keynote, Imaging, Metabolomics) Spatial Metabolomics: From Big Data to Single Cells
2. May 14 : Michael Angelo (Plenary, Imaging MIBI-TOF) Comprehensive Mapping of Cell Lineage and Function in Human Tissue Using MIBI-TOF
3. May 21: Lingjun Li (Keynote, Imaging) Mapping the Chemical Space of Biological Systems via MALDI Mass Spectrometric Imaging and in situ Molecular Analysis
4. May 22 : Jonathan Sweedler (Keynote, Imaging) The Chemical Characterization of the Cells in the Brain Using Mass Spectrometry
Registration is OPEN on the website. Please note that registration for most lectures is FREE
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