NPL (UK) is currently recruiting talented postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students to work on a Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge within the National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging (NiCE-MSI), as well as opportunities at consortium member organisations find out more here:

Cancer Research UK funded Global Grand Challenge – A Complete Cartography of Cancer through Multiscale Molecular Imaging

Image credit: Zoltan Takats, Renata Filipe-Soares (Imperial College London); Nicole Strittmatter, Gregory Hamm, Richard Goodwin (Astra Zeneca); Rory Steven, Adam Taylor, Alan Race, Spencer Thomas, Rasmus Havelund, Josephine Bunch (NPL).

Cancer Research UK has identified that building an understanding of the inter- and intra- heterogeneity of tumours and their evolution over time and in response to therapy will require greater insight into the underlying biology. The team has designed a project which reflects these aims, harnessing the power of our interdisciplinary consortium to deliver a new untargeted approach of mapping high-quality tissue samples associated with clinically annotated data with a range of unique technologies.

By pursuing a multiscale (organ to organelle) and multi-omics approach with a range of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) techniques (MALDI, DESI, SIMS and ICP-MS) and advanced data handling approaches, this project aims to deepen our understanding of the interplay of genes, proteins, metabolites and the role of the immune system in cancer development and growth. As Cancer Research UK has stated “this underpins almost everything we do, from the discovery and development of new therapeutics and diagnostics, to the design of new treatment and prevention strategies”.

The team will establish a multimodal imaging pipeline which gives a comprehensive, spatially resolved picture of the metabolism of solid tumours from subcellular to anatomical levels using in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro analyses.

During this project the team will develop a scalable database for complex multi-modality datasets and metadata, with accompanying DOIs and a web visualisation tool providing a “Google Earth” view of a tumour. To ensure the longevity and broad uptake of this research these novel, reliable and translatable methodologies and results will be disseminated to the wider community.

Find out more here:

Be part of the team creating a ‘Google Earth’ for tumours and help beat cancer sooner.  NPL is now recruiting excellent postdoctoral researchers and new Ph.D. students to join the team:



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