The original purpose of this software was the conversion of data acquired with the FlashQuant (MALDI version of ABSciex 4000) into MS images. The software reads directly .wiff files and allows to export the images in jpeg, Analyze (BioMap) or imzML format.

Supported Image Formats .wiff (Analyst)
Requirements Windows (no Analyst installation required)
Origin, Copyright Novartis
Author Markus Stoeckli, Bernhard Rode, Jayesh Patel
Download MSImageView Ver (2013-01-24, 2.5 MB)
Demo Data imzML-MRM-Data (0.5 MB)
Source GitHub/stoeckli
License Freeware


This is an experimental release – use at your own risk. The software does not use the Analyst library to open *.wiff files and can therefore be installed on any coputer. Please utilize the forum to discuss questions about this software.

Wiff Files

The software can directly open files from the FlashQuant systems, without having Analyst installed on the same computer. A valid Wiff imaging data set consist of these three files: *.wiff, *.wiff (1).path and *.wiff.scan. Regular LCMS data will not have the path file and therefore cannot be opened as image.

Batch Mode

Use the batch mode to convert multiple images. Example: “C:\Program Files\MSImageView\MSImageView.exe” /batch /optwiff /saveas img /bitmap png %1